Encounter is a work of God, and he continues
to make it an interesting ride.
We are a community of believers that grew out
of the ministry of Sycamore View Church of Christ
in Memphis, TN. We began as an outreach project
in the gym; 13 people of all ages just doing
our best to be available for God to create an
experience in genuine community and share Christ’s
real life with everyone we possibly can.
The Minister of Discipleship, John Pitman, had
received a mandate from the elders to launch
a “seeker-friendly” assembly to try
to connect with “unchurched” people.
John had no desire for such an enterprise, however:
what in the world would make unchurched people
want to come to church? They’d rather be
sleeping, or playing golf, or fishing, or … (not
entirely unlike some of the folks who do normally
go to church! *ahem*) And after all, the assembly
is for the purpose of strengthening the believers (a
la 1 Cor. 14).
Well, being the paragon of restraint that he
is (*choke*), John went to the Lord first before
rebelling against the order, and God said do
it. The reasons why have been evident ever since.
We had no intention of just creating another
church service, however. We saw an immense need
to create a place where folks could find God
without feeling out of place or awkward throughout
the entire experience. We found immediately that
many people want to find God, and think that
Sunday mornin’ church is the only place
to do it. That’s not their world and they
don’t ‘fit’ very well though,
so they generally don’t wander in. For
the souls that did investigate Encounter, however,
the difference was obvious. The atmosphere was
attractive simply because it was natural and
relaxed. We preserve a climate of relational
ministry and interaction, doing our best to express
the values and principles we see at work in the
earliest years of Christ’s church as reflected
in Scripture.
The difference with Encounter is that generally
if you’re there it’s because you
already have a friend there. If you don’t,
you certainly will by the time you leave. And
with this group, everyone fits because there’s
no ‘mold!’ As people we are very
different and variety is normal. And just to
give an idea of the experience, here is one of
the most common comments we’ve heard about
Encounter: “it’s so nice to be in
a place where you don’t feel like you’re
being judged.”
In the fall of 2003, as we were celebrating
our second birthday, we suddenly realized that
God had grown a church in Encounter with its
own unique atmosphere. Our values weren’t
tied in to a church campus though; they were
tied in with each other. We also sensed that
God was calling on us again with a most unexpected
leading, much like in the beginning of this project.
This time it was to get back to basics, back
to origins: launch this group of believers and
friends as a home-based church in our community.
Relational ministry is the order of the day as
we ask whomever we meet into our homes to experience
life in common.
So: on April 1, 2004, we launched from the umbrella
of a traditional church setting with the blessing
of all concerned. We are a relational network
of Christians doing our best to love God and
love other people.
We are not perfect, but we know the one who
is. And we want the whole world to know Jesus
Christ as Lord and find the rescue, relief, peace,
energy, comfort and salvation that only he can